
... Welcome to the " Culture literacy course " blog ...
The idea of this blog was intiated by Dr.Taiba Sadiq for the "Cultural litracy " course given in the college of basic education (Kuwait) , through this blog students of this course will be able to discuss different topics related to culture , comment , argue and share their ideas .
this blog started on October 2009.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hellow , How are you?
I want to talk about culture lecture and the question that Dr.Tayba asked us. She asked, whether the culture is learned or inherited? Defining culture is no easy task because it means many different things to many people. There are easily as many definitions of " culture " as there are cultures in the world. This is what it said in the hand out of Dr.Tayba about defining the culture. So, if there is no specific definition for the culture, how come we just say it is learned. I tried to give my opinion in percentage; of course, it is not accurate 100% because I did not make any studies about it. But, still I think it is the most logical answer for me. When I said my opinion to Dr. Tayba and my friends in the class, some agree with me and some are not. My answer was that culture is 80% learned and 20% inherited .Dr.Tayba's opinion was that culture is learned, because it acquired from the nature and she remind us from previous lecture, how the nature influence people. In this point I agree with her. But, still I insist that there is a little effect of inheritance in the culture. When Dr.Tayba asked me, what is your proof. I mentioned " Dr.Taha Husain " and how he was living in a countryside of Egypt and all his family around him were less education, not to mention his blindness. All these reasons gives me a conception that there is a part of inheritance on our life. By coincidence, while I was writing this paragraph, suddenly Kuwait TV on channel one shows in " Almoraselloon " program a short story about " Taha Husain " they talked about his house and his daily life it was marvelous. Finally, I want to say if culture is just leaned. What about people who have a willingness to create their own and others culture. Someone like " Taha Husain " or even the "profits".


  1. Hello Doriya, my opinion at this matter is I agree with you in the point of a little of our culture is inherited but I don't know about the percentage. My proof of that is what our prophet Mohammed says ( مامن مولود يولد على الفطرة فأبواه يهودانه أو ينصرانه أو يمجسانه)
    and if Islam is what we born with then the Islamic culture is what we inherited, and as we all know that Islam is not just a religion is a way of life and style. The deferences that we find in every culture it is related to what we learn in the culture we live in.
    This is only my opinion, other can argue that freely.
    thank you Doriya for the topic

  2. Hey there, very interesting subject Doriya and also useful. If you ask about my opinion I would say that I agree with your point of view, that culture is inherited and the environment affects it in many different ways. To prove my view there's a theory which said that the child in the womb of his mother will be affected by her in several things. For example; when she read for him a story he will be affected by her language.
    Finally, I would like to thank you Doriya for the information that you post, honestly I got useful from it.

  3. I think that we will never settle down to an agreement regarding this issue , it all depends on the way we see culture , what is it and what does it includes and how it is gained learned or inherited . Each theory has it's own opinion and reasons , from my point of view it is both inherited and learned , you can't take a baby away from the city life and let him live in the jungle and expect him to act as a normal urban baby , you have to teach him what's wrong and what's right , what's appropriate and what's not .
    as you said Dorya , this case needs long studies , and researches in order to state whether culture is inherited or learnt .

  4. I couldn't agree more with what you've all said. It's well known that learning and inheritance both play a huge role in the process of forming any culture. In fact, some of the inherited factors that form a culture takes place in the learning process. For example, you talked earlier about how religion is inherited, but you missed the fact that you cannot inherit a religion unless you LEARN its beleives and rituals.
    But honestly if you try to separate learning and inheritance you'll find it almost impossible cause they are both equally important and the loss of any of them will jeopardize the process of forming the culture as a whole.
    thanks Doriya for raising this issue

  5. What I meant Fatma is that the Islamic teaches and way of life meets the needs of the human being and doesn't contradict with man's nature, so ISLAM is in our nature (inherited), but later we learn his teaches that reinforce it's values and beliefs and complement our life.

  6. You do have a point, Eman. I do agree with you that Islam is in our nature, but I still emphasize on the learning process. I think that even if you were born under the name of Islam, unless you LEARN its teaches and beliefs you wont even be a Muslim. For example, if you don't learn how to pray, you wont be able to pray, thus you wont be a Muslim. And that's what I was trying to say.
