
... Welcome to the " Culture literacy course " blog ...
The idea of this blog was intiated by Dr.Taiba Sadiq for the "Cultural litracy " course given in the college of basic education (Kuwait) , through this blog students of this course will be able to discuss different topics related to culture , comment , argue and share their ideas .
this blog started on October 2009.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hellow everybody, I want to talk about something related to body language or how your body is speaking। The thing that makes me bring this issue, is the amazing thing that the experts of the body language in USA do. They try to read every movements of the body or gestures of any famous one, whether he is a politics , an actor or anything else. For me, the first time I notice this thing, when I watched a discussion on TV between Bill Clinton and Georg Bosh the father. Wow it was amazing, those experts start to read their body gestures to know whether they are honest or not. One of the readings that I do not forget it was , when Bill Clinton asked George Bosh the father a question, Bosh try to answer the question but while he was answering he put his hand inside his pocket . this reaction was meaning a lot for the experts. It means that George Bosh the father doesn't have an answer for Clinton, which means that Bosh wasn't ready for the question. This gives a negative impression to the experts about George Bosh the father. The conclusion is , you can understand others from their body movements and gestures without expecting any verbal talks. And here I have two videos about body language. The first one is about how your body is speaking ,and the second one is how the experts in the USA are reading the body language of the famous people.
13-5-2010. Doriya Sayed Hashim.


  1. Hello Doriya, I'm glad to be the first one to comment, I really loved your presentation it was very interesting with great videos. The informations are valuable we can applied them on our everyday life for example we can tell if the person in front of us is lying or telling the truth by just watching his body language.

  2. Hi Doriya, amazing and interesting subject actually. Of course in our daily life we can recognize many gestures made by people, and it shows either they are happy, angry or exiting. But, in each culture the gestures are different from each other. i would like mention one of them which we discussed in culture class; that smile doesn't always means that the person likes you, it may mean completely different things. And I would like to thank you about your presentation which was wonderful.

  3. I loved and enjoyed doriya's presentation. It was interesting specially the videos. She also brought examples from real life. Which made the subject enjoyable.

  4. Very informative and interesting topic Dorya ,I liked your presentation , but to be honest with you I think body language could be desiving most of the time .

  5. I think that being able to see through people and understand them by reading their body language is a remarkable gift.. Body language helps you understand and deal with different people in different situations.. I think that some of the gestures don't even need an expert to be recognized ;)

    It's a very interesting topic Doriya.. Good choice ;)

  6. Hello Doriya,
    Thanks for choosing topic like that.
    It was a nice project with live videos from our social life. That’s right you can know what I mean from the movements of the body.

    loved your topic ;D

  7. Hi everybody, I am very thankfull for your comments. I was very glad to be in this cours with girls like you. I learned alot from our conversation in the class and it was very interesting. Good luck for everyone and God bless you.
