
... Welcome to the " Culture literacy course " blog ...
The idea of this blog was intiated by Dr.Taiba Sadiq for the "Cultural litracy " course given in the college of basic education (Kuwait) , through this blog students of this course will be able to discuss different topics related to culture , comment , argue and share their ideas .
this blog started on October 2009.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

As you speak therefore you are

Language is a double edge weapon; they can bring masses of people together or tear them apart. The moment in which we start speaking we are judged and stereotyped based on the language we speak and how we speak it.

Furthermore language is the most noticeable thing about us right after our appearance, it allows our culture for generation to come, and it identifies us and shapes us into whom we are. Many people use languages as a divider to show their prestige, place in society, relationships with others or the power they may have. Also the best way to describe this is the form of politeness that people may use when speaking to each other.

These cultural values system exist in the world between different cultures. The best example for this is how some of the Japanese people may speak their language. They use a honorifics - suffix to determine the type of relationship they may have with each other while maintaining a respectful polite approach. Moreover, it may change based on location, need, and the culture of the people who use the language.

There are many studies based on this and the people who study it are known as sociolinguists , whom are more concerned with the assertion of belonging and identity rather than with a transactional content of the language it self.

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