- There are about 40000 characters in Chinese language.
- The word Taxi is spelled the same in English, German, French, Swedish, Dutch and Portuguese languages .
- The `sixth sick sheik`s sixth sheep`s sick` is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.
- There is no word for `weather` in the Hawaiian language, probably because the weather is so good most of the time.
- India has about 800 dialects and 15 major Languages.
- Hallelujah is Hebrew for `Praise the Lord`.
- The Balinese have no word in their languge for art or artist.
- In China there are more people who speaks English than in the U.S..
- In Indonesia they have over 300 different languages.
- Eskimos have more than twenty words to describe snow.
- Before the year 1000, the word `she` did not exist in the English language. The singular female reference was the word `heo`, which also was the plural of all genders. The word `she` appeared only in the 12th century, about 400 years after English began to take form. `She` probably derived from the Old English feminine `seo`, the Viking word for feminine reference.
- in China there are no difference between the word `Rice` and `food`.
- There are 160 words for camel in Arabic.
- Nigeria is home to about 400 languages.
- Jamaica is the largest English-speaking island in the Caribbean.
- There are only 12 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet.
- In Chinese the words for crisis and opportunity are the same.
- `I am.` is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
- In Australia a banana bender means that a person comes from Queensland.
- The longest one-syllable words in the English language are `strengths` and `screeched`.
- In Chinese language China is called Zhong Guo. Zhong Guo means Land of the Middle.
- The number 9 in Thai means progression.
- The sentence `the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog` uses every letter in the English language.
- In Japanese the word for `different` and `wrong` are the same.
- The most difficult language to learn is Basque, spoken in northwestern Spain and southwestern France.
- In Japanese language there is no single word for water. They say mizu for cold water and oyu for hot water.
- No word in the English language rhymes with `month`, `orange`, `silver` or `purple`.
- The ampersand & was once a letter of the English alphabet.
- India is also known as Hindustan or Bharat by natives.
- The word "Checkmate" in chess comes from the Persian phrase "Shah Mat," which means "the king is dead".
- The word "karate" means "empty hand."
- "United Arab Emirates," a small country in the Middle East, is made up of alternating vowels and consonants. It is the longest name of a country whose letters do that.